Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Some Tips for Summer Success

I know many of you use summer as the time to jump-start your lifestyle change. I thought it would be important for you to hear helpful tips from people who have lost 50-100 pounds.

But before you blast through these tips, let me just ask you one thing: Aren't you ready to make the change? Come on, the sun is warming up our bones, and it's time to seize the chance to be healthier. As a result of improving some of your habits, you'll look and feel great. So if you want to go for it, make the decision, and then the commitment, and then let's do it.

There's nothing unusual about the people who used these tips to accomplish success. They live all around the country - some are working, and some are stay-at-home moms.

1. Have your food plan organized. When it comes to eating, don't wing it. While you're starting out, you could even have your entire day or week mapped out for you. Put the list of meals in the kitchen (on the fridge or oven) or in a notebook so you already know mentally and emotionally what you're going to be putting in your mouth.

It's even a great idea to have healthy snacks in the office or in the car in case you find yourself hungry while on the road or working late. Make sure to also control the portions of your healthy snacks. Put them in individual-serving containers, so it's easy to see where the cutoff point is.

2. Create a plan that you can stick to for the long haul. This isn't a diet mentality. This is about finding a way of eating and exercising that you can live with. The plan should reflect who you are and how you live your life. For example, some of the individuals said they weren't willing or able to stop eating out as much, so it became important for them to learn how to eat healthier while dining out.

3. Find someone to go to battle with. Let's face it - it's just so much easier not to go it alone. Call a friend and see if they want to take on this adventure with you. Talk about how your experience is going, and surround yourself with people who are supporting your goals. If they're trying to tempt you with foods, then either stay away from them or ask them to stop. People will quickly learn and respect that you are dead serious.

4. Take it one week at a time. It's better not to tell yourself you need to lose 20, 30, 60, or 100 pounds. Just shoot for a pound or two a week. This is a healthy and realistic goal. If you stick to it, think about how much weight that'll be by the end of the year. You'll feel good about your mini-accomplishments each week that feed into your greater goal.

5. Don't punish yourself if you have an off-day or meal. If you fall off the wagon, don't let that throw you off course. Hey, we're all learning and we're all human, so give yourself a break. Be disciplined with yourself, but not to the point that it keeps you from succeeding.

6. Get professional help. Starting out can be frustrating and confusing. If you're able to find a good nutritionist to talk to at least once, make an appointment. Finding a pro is great, but if you don't have access to someone, then hit the library and find some books that are appealing to you to get some guidance.

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