Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Save Money on Organic Food

Go Organic!, a project sponsored in part by the Organic Trade Association and the Earth Day Network, is launching a new coupon booklet for Earth Day that offers $13 worth of coupons for a variety of organic products, including Barbara's Bakery snacks, Kashi cereals, and Earthbound Farm produce.

The coupons help offset the extra cost of organic food versus its conventionally grown counterparts. For a free booklet, call 866-I-GO-ORGA. To learn more about organic food and find local stores, visit www.organicearthday.org. You'll also find more than 35 recipes, including one for pear scones by celebrity chef Akasha Richmond, and you can enter to win a spa vacation in Austin, Texas.

Eating organic doesn't have to be restricted to just your home! Read more about Dining Out, Eating Organic.


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Anonymous said...

This is a nice start to encourage people towards organic food. This would not only improve their health but also provide a sourse of income for families who indulge in growing organic food.
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